
Monday, January 26, 2009


Textile sector plays a dominant role in the economy of Bangladesh – both from the point of view of employment generation, providing one of the basic needs and the earning of foreign exchange. The sector produced in its spinning mills about 270M kg of yarn, which is used in about 3.1 lacs of hand looms and 43,000 power looms in weaving mills and specialised textile mills. Two most important sub-sectors are weaving and knitting. 178 semi-mechanised and 115 mechanised dying and finishing units produce about 1000M meters of products. Garments sub-sector has engaged as the most important area in the textile sector. It employs about 2 million workers, of which about 90% are the rural female workers.

In spite of the contribution of this sector it is dependent on expatriate experts for its management, productivity and R & D. The country has only one public Textile College and some private Universities producing a relatively small number of graduate textile engineers. As a consequence, the textile sector is fully dependent on the highly paid specialists from the region. This led the government of People’s Republic of Bangladesh to generate sufficient number of textile engineers locally and accordingly; the government has decided to open a Department of Textile Engineering at DUET to meet the ever-increasing demand due to globalization and technological development. Accordingly DUET has opened the Textile Engineering Department, graduates of which can take over the responsibility of management, R & D and competitiveness.

Textile Engineering Department has been started in DUET from 29 September, 2005. Initially, it will start with 20 seats, which will be increased up to 60 seats gradually. The first admission test will be held on 15 June, 2006 and the probable time for the class start will be July 2006.

Best Wishes.

Professor Md. Khaled Khalil

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